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Breadth First Search (BFS)


Breadth-first search (BFS) is an algorithm for traversing or searching tree or graph data structures. It starts at the tree root (or some arbitrary node of a graph, sometimes referred to as a ‘search key’) and explores the neighbor nodes first, before moving to the next level neighbors.

BFS uses a queue data structure to hold the next nodes to visit. The first node visited is the root node, and then it visits all the neighbor nodes at the present depth level from left to right, and adds them to the queue. Then it visits the next level nodes and continues the same process until it reaches the end of the tree or graph.

BFS can be used to solve many problems in graph theory, for example:

  • Finding the shortest path between two nodes u and v, with the condition that the path is the shortest among all possible paths. This can be done using a predecessor subgraph.
  • Testing a graph for bipartiteness.
  • Finding all connected components in an undirected graph.
  • Finding the level of each node in a tree.
  • Finding the shortest path from a node to all other nodes.

BFS can also be used to solve problems in artificial intelligence, such as:

  • Finding the shortest path to a target location in a game.
  • Generating a maze.
  • Solving a Rubik's Cube using the "layer by layer" method.

However, the main drawback of the BFS algorithm is its space complexity, as it needs to store all the generated nodes in the memory, which can be very large for big graphs. To overcome this problem, one can use an iterative version of the BFS, called iterative deepening depth-first search (IDDFS), which applies a depth-first search with increasing depth limits.

In summary, Breadth-first search is a simple and easy to understand algorithm that can be used to solve many problems in graph theory, artificial intelligence, and other fields. It has a time complexity of O(V+E) and space complexity of O(V) where V is the number of vertices and E is the number of edges.


Breadth-first search (BFS) is a traversal algorithm used to explore all the vertices of a graph or a tree in breadth-first order. It starts at a given source vertex and explores all the vertices at the same level as the source vertex before moving on to the vertices at the next level.

Here is the general algorithm for BFS:

  1. Create a queue and enqueue the source vertex.
  2. Mark the source vertex as visited.
  3. While the queue is not empty:

  • Dequeue a vertex from the queue.
  • For each unvisited neighbor of the dequeued vertex, mark it as visited and enqueue it.

Repeat steps 3a and 3b until all the vertices have been visited.

BFS can be implemented using an adjacency list or an adjacency matrix to represent the graph.


Here is a pseudocode for the Breadth-first search (BFS) algorithm for traversing a graph:

The input to the algorithm is the graph G represented using an adjacency list or an adjacency matrix, and the starting vertex 'start_vertex'.
The output is a set of visited vertices 'V' in breadth-first order.

This algorithm uses a queue to keep track of vertices to visit next, and a set to keep track of visited vertices. The algorithm starts by adding the starting vertex to the queue and the set of visited vertices. Then, it enters a loop that continues until the queue is empty. In each iteration of the loop, a vertex is dequeued from the queue, and all of its unvisited neighbors are added to the queue and the set of visited vertices. This way, the algorithm visits all the vertices of the graph in breadth-first order.

In this way, BFS explores all the neighbor vertex of the current vertex before it goes deeper in the graph.

Please note that this pseudocode can be customized and optimized depending on the problem that you want to solve.


Here is an example of the Breadth-first search (BFS) algorithm implemented in Python using an adjacency list to represent the graph:

In this example, the input to the BFS function is a graph represented using an adjacency list and a starting vertex. The function initializes an empty set to keep track of visited vertices, and a queue to keep track of vertices to visit next. It starts by adding the starting vertex to the set of visited vertices and the queue. Then, it enters a loop that continues until the queue is empty. In each iteration of the loop, a vertex is dequeued from the queue, and all of its unvisited neighbors are added to the queue and the set of visited vertices. This way, the algorithm visits all the vertices of the graph in breadth-first order.

Please note that this is a basic example and it can be customized and optimized depending on the problem that you want to solve.

Also note that, Python's built-in deque class is used to implement the queue, it provides an efficient way to add and remove elements from both ends of the queue.


Here is an example of the Breadth-first search (BFS) algorithm implemented in Java using an adjacency list to represent the graph:

In this example, the input to the bfs function is a graph represented using an adjacency list and a starting vertex. The function initializes an empty set to keep track of visited vertices, and a queue to keep track of vertices to visit next. It starts by adding the starting vertex to the set of visited vertices and the queue. Then, it enters a loop that continues until the queue is empty. In each iteration of the loop, a vertex is dequeued from the queue, and all of its unvisited neighbors are added to the queue and the set of visited vertices. This way, the algorithm visits all the vertices of the graph in breadth-first order.

Please note that this is a basic example and it can be customized and optimized depending on the problem that you want to solve.

Also, java provides two built-in classes that can be used to implement a queue, LinkedList and PriorityQueue, where LinkedList is used in this example.


Here is an example of the Breadth-first search (BFS) algorithm implemented in C using an adjacency list to represent the graph:

In this example, the input to the BFS function is a graph represented using an adjacency matrix and a starting vertex, and the number of vertices. The function initializes an array to keep track of visited vertices, and a queue to keep track of vertices to visit next. It starts by adding the starting vertex to the queue and marking it as visited. Then, it enters a loop that continues until the queue is empty. In each iteration of the loop, a vertex is dequeued from the queue, and all of its unvisited neighbors are added to the queue and marked as visited. This way, the algorithm visits all the vertices of the graph in breadth-first order.

Please note that this is a basic example and it can be customized and optimized depending on the problem that you want to solve.

Also, in this example, the queue is implemented using an array, with three variables front, rear, and data. front and rear are used to keep track of the head and tail of the queue, and data is used to store the elements in the queue.


Here is an example of the Breadth-first search (BFS) algorithm implemented in C++ using an adjacency list to represent the graph:

In this example, the input to the BFS function is a graph represented using an adjacency list and a starting vertex. The function initializes an vector to keep track of visited vertices, and a queue to keep track of vertices to visit next. It starts by adding the starting vertex to the queue and marking it as visited. Then, it enters a loop that continues until the queue is empty. In each iteration of the loop, a vertex is dequeued from the queue, and all of its unvisited neighbors are added to the queue and marked as visited. This way, the algorithm visits all the vertices of the graph in breadth-first order.

Please note that this is a basic example and it can be customized and optimized depending on the problem that you want to solve.

Also, in this example, queue is implemented using C++ STL's queue.


Here is an example of the Breadth-first search (BFS) algorithm implemented in JavaScript using an adjacency list to represent the graph:

In this example, the input to the BFS function is a graph represented using an adjacency list and a starting vertex. The function initializes an empty set to keep track of visited vertices, and a queue to keep track of vertices to visit next. It starts by adding the starting vertex to the set of visited vertices and the queue. Then, it enters a loop that continues until the queue is empty. In each iteration of the loop, a vertex is dequeued from the queue, and all of its unvisited neighbors are added to the queue and the set of visited vertices. This way, the algorithm visits all the vertices of the graph in breadth-first order.

Please note that this is a basic example and it can be customized and optimized depending on the problem that you want to solve.

Also, in this example, JavaScript's built-in Set class and Array is used to implement the set and queue.


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